The black American psyche has been rattled once again. I tremble to think there is no end in sight. D.H. Lawrence once wrote: “All the other stuff, the love, the democracy, the floundering into lust, is a sort of by-play. The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted.” As the mother of a black 12-year-old boy and 9-year-old girl, I’m scared. I worry for the brilliant black minds that are tired of qualifying their existence in this world. How can we create solutions and flourish when the undercurrent of our very being is hate? People and their “bootstrap theories” need to understand one thing. Depression, low self-esteem, and failure to thrive are not endemic to the black community. They are consequences of racial […]
Read PostPavan Basra, clinician and confidence-building expert with WOC Therapy recently put out a survey asking women about their biggest frustrations with the quarantine life. Lack of physical intimacy fell surprisingly high on the list! According to Pavan, the following three tips will help single and partnered women keep sexual excitement alive in their relationships. 1. Communication is KeyTake a love language test with your partner to determine which language you speak! If your prominent love language is physical touch and you are social distancing, go with the second highest rating and substitute touch for that. Eye contact is also a powerful form of intimacy. Eye contact can dramatically increase a sudden urge to smile and to listen more intently to your partner. When you can acknowledge and look into your […]
Read PostDo you find yourself stuck in unfulfilling relationships? Maybe you stay with people who take more and give less? Maybe your partner is distant, emotionally unavailable, self absorbed, or manipulative? If that’s the case, you’re not alone! According to a survey done by The Daily Mail on 2,031 British Adults, 6 in 10 people will stay in relationships they find to be unsatisfying. While disappointing partnerships are inevitable, it’s important for us to understand why exactly we put up with them. Here are five theories as to why we continue to love the unlovable and what steps you might take to break the cycle. 1. Comfortability/LazinessWhen in a relationship, you naturally begin to intertwine your life with that of your partners. Suddenly your day to day, friend circles, nighttime routine, etc. all […]
Read PostEvery year on MLK Day , we are reminded of the brilliant teachings by Martin Luther King Jr. Our Instagram and twitter feeds are flooded with quotes by the visionary. The quotes, while poignant and beautiful, tend to remain on the surface of our psyches. To do justice to MLK is to manifest his words in our lives. Below are a few of his most popular quotes along with an explanation on how we can apply them to our daily lives. “The time is always right to do what is right.”There is no injustice too small to be unworthy of our attention. Every historical movement began with a collection of small acts. To manifest MLK is to refuse silence when we witness unfair treatment. One way I try to embody […]
Read PostIn the past few years, there has been an emphasis in the wellness community on morning routines. What you do when you wake up is said to influence your mood and behavior for the rest of your day. We’ve compiled a list of morning habits you can incorporate into your routine in order to start your day bright and right. Drink A Cup of WaterYour bodies ability to function is dependent largely on your water intake. Drinking water first thing in the morning helps flush out the toxins accumulated while you slept as well as wake up your internal organs. There are countless of other benefits to drinking water in the morning. We love this article by The Healthline, which details the multitude of ways being a morning water drinker can […]
Read PostIn California, cannabis stores are found on every corner, wedged in between nail shops, 7-elevens, and banks. They are so accessible and elegantly designed, housing hundreds of trendy wax pens that have attracted quite the cult following. An increasing number of people now rely on a mid-day puff or two to stave off anxiety. 20-30% of people with an anxiety disorder consume cannabis daily. But just how effective is cannabis for treating anxiety, and is it more dangerous than helpful? According to physicist Richard Feynman, it might be impossible to reach a solid answer. The cannabis plant contains more than 500 identified chemical constituents. More than 100 of these chemicals are cannabinoids, which interact with our brains communication network in different ways, making it hard to streamline the effects on […]
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