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Woman sitting and reading a book outdoors at a California wellness center.


What’s the link between GAD and Neurodivergence?

This article defines Generalized Anxiety and Neurodivergence and explores the links between the two. My personal experience (Cassandra Carter) working with the neurodivergent population has led me to have a lot of thoughts on the subject. I have seen clients who have struggled to be validated in their pursuit of neurodivergent diagnosis or who are confused about the link between comorbid disorders and neurodivergence. My specialty is working with clients who are going through big life transitions. Having comorbid generalized anxiety, neurodivergence, and going through changes can feel excruciating.

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What Are the Physical Symptoms of Anxiety?

When we talk about mental health conditions like anxiety or depression, there are often a lot of misunderstandings regarding their […]

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What to Do When You Are Feeling Like a Failure?

It is not uncommon for individuals to crumble under the pressure and stress of everyday life. The constant struggle to […]

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Mixed Anxiety and Depressive Disorder Explained

Depression and anxiety are two of the most common mental health disorders nowadays, and they are commonly discussed. However, have […]

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How to Use Reiki for Stress Relief

Connecting spiritual, mental, and physical betterment is essential for a transformation. If you want to sort out your life and […]

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6 Most Common Misconceptions About Anxiety

We live in a society that is slowly opening up to the talk about mental health. The progress is visible, […]

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