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November 11, 2021

Should I See a Therapist? How to Tell It Is Time to Go to Therapy?

Are you wondering Should I see a therapist and is the timing right for that? If so, this article is for you. Going to see a professional is never an easy decision, and it’s essential to know when you should do it. It can be a challenging experience, so make sure you’re well prepared and informed. I am here to help.

Mental health problems and disorders have become very common nowadays. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 50% of Americans will be diagnosed with a mental illness at some point in their life. Don’t let this statistic discourage you from seeking help if you’re going through a rough period. Read on to find out why.

What Is Mental Health?

Mental health is our psychological, emotional, and social well-being. It’s how you think, act, and feel, how you handle stress, make choices, and relate to other people. It’s crucial to keep our psychological well-being at a good level at every stage of life, which can be hard since many factors can contribute to creating a disbalance. For example, the notorious impact of social media has become one of the major triggers for anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression. Many more things can impact your wellbeing, including biological factors and family history of psychological illnesses.

How Does Therapy Help Your Mental Health?

Does therapy work, and how does it help? Psychotherapy can teach you how to deal with stress in various situations, how to calm yourself down after a tumultuous event, build your confidence and self-esteem, and much more. The benefits of going to women’s therapy are numerous, and they all revolve around improving your well-being and solving issues and conditions that affect clients’ lives. If you’re going through a stressful period, you can learn new coping mechanisms, reduce anxiety, and improve your social skills.

If You Want to Work on Your Mental Health, Going to Therapy for Women Is the Right Choice

Dealing with work stress, especially for women of color in the workplace, who also have to learn how to deal with racism, misogyny, and intersectional discrimination, can’t be done with just some self-care ideas for women. Improving your general wellbeing has to start with exploring your feelings, thoughts, and actions, and psychotherapy will give you an opportunity to do exactly that. As a client, you will get a better understanding of what’s causing the uncomfortable feelings and a treatment for that specific issue.

Should I See a Therapist?

When should you consult a therapist? There are some clear indicators that you need counseling for women, especially if you’re a woman struggling with depression. If you leave your mental health unchecked even though you’re not feeling well, you’re risking a lot, including your career and personal relationships. That being said, you don’t have to (and shouldn’t) wait for a crisis to happen to consider talking to a professional. Taking care of your mental health should be an established habit regardless of how you’re feeling.

What Are the Clear Signs That You Should Start Seeing a Counselor for Women?

Treating psychological issues starts with recognizing the symptoms. If you have the following symptoms, it wouldn’t be bad to schedule an appointment. These are some of the early warnings that shouldn’t be ignored:

  • You’re dealing with intense emotions that are making you feel overwhelmed. It affects your way of thinking and acting.
  • You sleep and eat too much or too little.
  • You have low or no energy for everyday activities.
  • You have unexplainable pains and aches.
  • You avoid social situations and stay away from people.
  • The feeling of hopelessness often emerges out of nowhere.
  • You started having unhealthy coping mechanisms like drinking, smoking, and drug abuse.
  • Friends and family become enemies, and you fight and yell at them a lot.
  • You have a sudden lack of motivation and you start feeling numb, like nothing matters.
  • Persistent memories and thoughts are making you overthink everything.
  • You’re often confused, angry, upset, forgetful, scared, or worried.

Don’t Be Scared If You Recognize These Signs in Your Behaviour

All of these things happen to all of us from time to time, but if you notice that they are becoming too frequent, it’s a red flag and an early sign of a mental health problem. If left untreated, these symptoms can become more severe and cause people to have thoughts about harming themselves or others, or they can even start hearing voices and believing things that aren’t true. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you will get to that stage, but it is important to react in a timely manner and solve problems while they still aren’t aggressive and harmful in the long run.

There Are More Reasons to See a Psychotherapist

The signs listed above are some of the most common indicators that you should get in touch with a good psychotherapist, but there are even more reasons to do that. For example, if you’re having trouble adjusting to changes in your life, talking to a professional is the right step.

Sometimes, you can’t share everything with your loved ones, even though you feel the urge to do so. Friends and family are a great support network, but talking about your problems with someone who doesn’t know you and sees you as a clean slate can have a better effect than sharing your burden with someone who’s biased.

This also applies to problems that you might not want to share with someone who knows you, like your sexuality or gender identity. People who struggle with something that others have a hard time understanding also benefit from going to sessions. This is especially true for everyone who’s dealing with any kind of disability or autism.

Seeing a Therapist Doesn’t Mean You’re Ill or Broken

It’s important to mention that talking to therapists doesn’t inherently mean that there’s something wrong with you. Taking care of your mental health should be a regular thing, as is going to a check-up with a doctor once or twice a year. People who are feeling well can also benefit from seeing therapists and talking about their lives. Therapy is something that can improve your overall feeling of satisfaction and content, and help you feel much more confident and calm. It’s also an amazing way to get to know yourself better.

What to Know Before Your First Therapy Appointment?

If you recognized some of the signs and scheduled your first therapy appointment, it’s also good to know what you should never tell your therapist. For example, there’s no need to apologize for crying, feeling emotional, or talking about how you feel. Your session with therapists is your time, dedicated to what you want to talk about and share with a professional.

Also, it’s crucial that you don’t come with an attitude that psychotherapy won’t work for you. This is common for clients who have problems with giving up control and come with prejudice regarding psychotherapy and its efficiency. It’s okay to be doubtful about something, but it’s much better to be honest about it and admit where the fear is coming from.

How Do I Know If I Need a Psychologist or Therapist? People Often Make Mistakes When It Comes to This

Have you been wondering should I see a therapist or psychologist or even should I see a therapist or a psychiatrist? Although the difference between a therapist, a psychologist, and a psychiatrist is not always clear, there is an easy answer to your dilemma:

  • A psychologist has an advanced degree in psychology. They may or may not work with clients, conduct clinical research, or teach. Psychologists who do work with clients are also called therapists.
  • Therapists (psychotherapists, counselors) work with clients and provide support and guidance. They have a license to provide some type of psychotherapy and may or may not be psychologists.
  • Psychiatrists can prescribe medications and usually only deal with diagnosed issues, as opposed to providing therapy for all. They are usually referred to by a counselor.

To make it clear and short – if you’re not sure which professional you should consult, the answer is – a psychotherapist. If they feel like you need a referral to another professional, they will gladly give you one.

Is it Worth Seeing a Therapist?

If self-care tips you’ve heard or read about don’t have much effect, you’ll soon realize that seeing a therapist of color is necessary if you wish to get better and that it’s completely worth it. Once you learn how to choose a therapist that’s reliable and professional and start going to sessions, you will only move forward. The effects of psychotherapy are long-lasting and much better than taking meds without talking to anyone about what’s bothering you. You will develop your own coping mechanisms that will be useful for not only the trauma you’ve been through but also for future stressful events.

Women’s Counseling Will Be of Immense Help When it Comes to Improving Your Wellbeing and Treating an Illness

Women of Color Therapy offers some of the best therapy services you can find. Attending our workshops can boost your ability to deal with motherhood, anxiety symptoms, breakups, and many other issues. You will have a professional listening to you and helping you heal from whatever is causing you pain. Become a member of our supportive community and feel empowered once again.