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December 1, 2022

What Are the Signs of Postpartum Depression?

You’d think having a baby would be one of the most beautiful things. However, we tend to forget that it isn’t at all easy. Giving birth can be followed by depression, which could cause serious problems if it goes unrecognized and untreated. What are the signs of postpartum depression? Learn more information about it here.

What Is Postpartum Depression? Everything We Know About PPD

Postpartum or perinatal depression (known widely as PPD) is a depressed state that occurs after giving birth. Statistically, 1 in 7 new mothers experiences PPD. However, it’s not limited to just mothers. Sometimes the partner that hasn’t given birth could experience it, too.

Some common signs and symptoms of postpartum depression can make an individual feel depleted, empty, and sad, but they aren’t limited to mental health. Experiencing it can also be physically exhausting and damaging.

This syndrome must be taken seriously when first diagnosed, both by those going through PPD and their family members. It can be handled with professional help and adequate treatment.

If You Recognize Early Signs of Postpartum Depression, Contact a Counselor for Women

Women’s counseling is one of the best ways to deal with PPD. A wide range of psychology experts can help women prevent burnout, learn ways to handle pressure and stress and deal with the more debilitating issues of depressive disorders.

Handling PPD and learning how to take care of yourself doesn’t have to be limited to just counseling for women. If a partner seems unsupportive or lacks understanding for the person going through PPD, couples’ counseling can also help. This issue must be addressed on a household level so that everyone involved understands their role in battling a severe depressive disorder.

What Are the Signs of Postpartum Depression? How to Recognize and Acknowledge That You’re Feeling Different

PPD manifests itself much like general depressive disorders, with physical and mental symptoms. Here are some of the signs that PPD and other depressive disorders have in common:

  • Feelings of sadness,
  • Excessive crying,
  • Lack of energy and motivation,
  • Sleeping too much or too little,
  • Losing or gaining weight rapidly,
  • Chronic head and body aches.

You must remember that whatever you’re feeling is normal. If you’re still monitoring your pregnancy and want to get ahead of PPD, you can prepare by employing self-care tips, especially for your mental health, and work on redefining motherhood for yourself.

Ask your family for support, despite what you may think their reactions would be. You might prefer to deal with these things yourself, but it’ll be an uphill battle after you’ve done one of the hardest things of your life – given birth.

Baby Blues vs. PPD Symptoms – What’s the Difference?

The “baby blues” syndrome has common anxiety symptoms and mood swings, but it only lasts a few days after giving birth. If you feel irritable and have frequent changes in your moods, appetite, and sleeping, this may lead to PPD, but it may also just be short-lasting.

You’ll start recognizing signs of postpartum depression when these symptoms continue over a few weeks and others arise. It goes beyond feeling sad and tired. Mothers can often begin to feel hopeless, develop impostor syndrome, and even get thoughts of self-harm or harming the baby.

Signs that you are mentally exhausted and experiencing more than just occasional feelings of inadequacy can help you find out how to employ some self-care ideas and look after yourself even in difficult times. If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned here, consider if therapy works for you and seek proper treatment.

One of the Most Common PPD Symptoms in New Moms Is Feeling Guilty and Inadequate

New parents are generally exhausted and experience changes in their moods, but when it comes to mothers with PPD, tips and information on self-care and dealing with stress will not represent the correct type of support. It goes beyond advice for mental and physical health – professional treatment is necessary.

A woman with PPD will also need help in moments when she doesn’t experience motherhood as a great thing. Thoughts of inadequacy and feelings of guilt often plague those with depressive disorders, and in PPD, they manifest themselves because of motherhood.

You must’ve felt like you don’t belong in a role or place once in your life. Imagine feeling like you shouldn’t be a mother almost every time you look at your baby. It’s difficult to understand how severe and damaging this can be, so reserve any judgment for a mother when you see her struggling in certain moments.

If you had depressive disorders diagnosed before and want to monitor your health throughout the pregnancy, you are more than ready to tackle PPD. However, don’t be surprised if difficult feelings get much more intense than how they were before the pregnancy.

New Mothers Can Experience Difficulties Bonding With Their Babies

Whether your pregnancy was easy or difficult, you still went through it for most of the year. Finally, having the baby and seeing it in the flesh, where it waits to be nurtured into good health and care, you experience a lack of emotional connection. You’ll likely ask yourself, “What’s wrong with me?” or even “Should I see a therapist?”

If you do consider treatment, that’s good. But firstly, try not to judge yourself or be too harsh for having (or not having) these feelings. Yes, it seems awful that you can’t form a bond with the baby you wanted for so long, but it’s nothing you should be scrutinized or judged for. It’s not that you don’t love your child, it’s just that PPD has a hold on you.

Of course, you want to be close to your child, feed, and care for it as expected, but if none of this comes naturally, it can result in retreating and suppressing how you genuinely feel. This might happen because you don’t want to worry your partner or family or don’t want to admit it to yourself. However, hiding from problems never helps solve them.

Sometimes, Your PPD Will Make You Feel Like a Bad Mother – Which Doesn’t Mean You Are

Difficulties with bonding with your child can make you think you’re a terrible parent, but that can happen even if you get along well with your newborn. Assuming you’re a lousy mother can come alone or in pair with impostor syndrome and other feelings of inadequacy. If life generally made you feel like you’re not good enough, that could only worsen after having a child.

One of the general misconceptions about depressive disorders is that individuals can simply turn off negative thoughts and emotions. If you’ve never felt inadequate before, you might force yourself to stop something that can’t just be easily removed.

Not being able to define where difficult emotions come from can cause someone to blame themselves and think they’re broken. Believing negative thoughts will bring you further down the depressed hole you’re currently in. You are not a bad mother. You just need some assistance, so talk about it and find women’s therapy to help you out.

Despite the Causes of PPD, You Can Get Adequate Treatment and Feel Better

The causes of PPD range from hormone troubles to experiencing hardship (like being a single parent or not having support from family members.) Even previous and underlying medical conditions can affect this, so seeking professional therapy is crucial.

Your first therapy appointment can lead to healthy coping mechanisms and other medications to alleviate the symptoms. Here’s some information on potential treatment options for individuals suffering from PPD:

  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) – widespread antidepressant medications that often include fewer side effects than other antidepressants.
  • Atypical antidepressants – if your depressive disorder doesn’t respond to SSRIs, these medications are used and target several mood-affecting neurotransmitters.
  • Hormone therapyaccording to sources, sudden changes in estrogen and progesterone could cause depressive disorders, so some doctors might suggest this type of treatment.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) – psychological therapy that involves studying and implementing techniques and tactics to modify thinking patterns, notice thought distortions, use problem-solving skills to cope with challenging situations, and improve confidence.

Contact Counselors for Women at WOC Therapy and Work on Your Mental Health With Us

When you search for therapy near me, use the chance to get to know WOC Therapy better. We aim to help every woman struggling to learn why self-care is important, how to handle difficult emotions and new mothers that experience PPD.

Of course, our therapists for women can do much more. We have various workshops that assist women in reaching their full potential and finally feeling better about themselves. Contact us and work on defeating postpartum sadness with professionals who care.