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December 27, 2021

How to Be Social as an Introvert – 7 Useful Tips to Get You Through the Social Interaction

Do introverts lack social skills? A lot of people seem to think so, which isn’t surprising – this world is wired mostly for extroverts. It can be hard to feel seen and heard when you’re not so outgoing, right? But can you learn how to be social as an introvert? Yes, absolutely, and our social tips for introverts will help you do just that.

So how can an introvert succeed socially? Well, it definitely won’t be without effort, but the important thing is that it isn’t impossible. It will take some time and a lot of hard work to overcome your introversion and make interacting with people less stressful. Still, if you believe that you need to do this for yourself, keep reading to find out the answer to the burning question – how can an introvert learn to be social?

Need Help Figuring Out How to Be Social as an Introvert? If So, You’re Going to Love Our Tips for Introverts

Can introverts have a social life without losing their minds in the endless crowds of chatty people at parties? Luckily, they can, but it can be tough to figure out how to navigate communicating with others and learn what tricks work best for you. So if you have finally decided that it’s time to make some changes and become more extroverted, it’s a good thing that you have come across this article.

We’ve Gathered Socializing Tips for Introverts That Will Help You Reach Your Goal

If you scroll down, you will find 7 brilliant tips that are proven to be effective and can speed up your journey to the relaxed, outgoing version of yourself. Still, it’s important to keep in mind that introversion isn’t a bad thing – there are many surprising benefits of being introverted that are often overlooked. Unfortunately, there are also things that can be tough for an introverted individual, like managing work stress because of overstimulation in the office or talking at office parties – even with only one person. We understand why you wish to change this. So consider the following advice as some sort of self-care tips.

#1 Leave the Comfort Zone – You Have to Go Out if You Want to Change Something

Well, one thing’s for sure – you won’t be able to change anything if you keep staying in and watching Netflix. So come up with some plans with friends, get up, and go out. Of course, you won’t be so keen on going out just like that, with no reason whatsoever – that sounds more like an extrovert activity, right? This is exactly why you’re going to need a solid reason for going through the trouble of keeping up a conversation with someone. Think of some activity that you enjoy, and do that with friends – whether it’s bowling, going to an art exhibit, or shopping. It will be easier to be in your element when you aren’t bored.

#2 Start Small – Find a Hobby That Can Help You Meet New People and Practise Socializing

No one says you have to start this process by going to a large party and staying there for hours – let’s first try something a little bit low-key, shall we? You can look for a hobby that you want to try – something that won’t be too overwhelming but will still provide enough interaction with people. What kind of social activities for introverts should you consider? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Workshops,
  • Team sports,
  • Theater or musical groups,
  • Volunteering,
  • Local clubs or groups.

#3 Be Prepared for Conversation – Think of Topics and Questions in Advance

No, this doesn’t mean you’re cheating – it is always good to be prepared. For example, if you’re going to a gathering with some friends, but you know there will be many others you’ve never met, it is reasonable to try and think of some conversation starters and basic topics that can help you get to know a person. Asking about things like their job or hometown can get the conversation rolling. Plus, asking questions shows the person you are interested in talking to them, which can make the situation more natural and relaxing.

Small Talk Is Actually Important – Don’t Underestimate It

Small talk can feel pointless for some of us. When you are introverted, it often doesn’t make sense to waste time chatting about irrelevant topics, but don’t think that small talk is unimportant. Think about it – when you attend, let’s say, a party, no one cares about serious topics. They all just came to relax and enjoy their free time. So you can’t talk about philosophy or climate change – this is a situation where you have to get in the game with easy topics and then work your way to something more meaningful as you get to know the person. Trust us, nobody will want to deal with all the bad things happening in the world in the middle of a party.

#4 Recharge Your Batteries

One of the well-known characteristics of introversion is pretty cliche, but still true – an introverted person can be overwhelmed easily, and they need to get their energy back after socializing for too long (in fact, not getting enough me-time can even cause certain anxiety symptoms). But how to deal with stress that is a result of overstimulation and calm yourself down? The answer is simple – just be sure to get enough alone time. Everyone has their version of it – reading a book, going for a run, binging their favorite TV show, or trying out some new self-care ideas. Whatever it is, the important thing is that you feel the energy coming back. Also, therapy sessions can be of enormous help – consider reaching out to a therapist.

If Things Become Too Overwhelming, Don’t Hesitate to Take a Break

If you find yourself in a situation where you feel overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to take a break – excuse yourself for a minute and get out for some air. It isn’t anything to be embarrassed about – you can’t expect to turn into an extrovert on the first occasion where you put some effort into talking to those around you. A short break will allow you to compose yourself and clear your head so you can come back and continue to communicate with friends or strangers.

#5 Present Yourself in a Way That Shows You Are Likeable and Ready for Interaction

If you aim to communicate well, you must pay attention to the way you present yourself – you don’t want to seem unapproachable. This can be off-putting and kill your attempts to bond with someone. What should you do? First, always ask questions – this will show interest and make the other person feel important. They will like you for that – this is a simple psychological trick. Bonus points for you if you ask someone for advice – everybody loves when their opinion is valued. Also, when you speak, make sure that your voice is loud and clear. You will seem more confident that way.

Body Language Is Especially Important – It Says More About You Than You Might Think

The way your body reacts in certain situations can tell a lot about your state of mind. For example, when you are uncomfortable in a group, your posture will reflect on that. So how do you send the right signals? Keep your back straight – this is the most visible thing that can affect your whole appearance. Also, try not to cross your arms and legs – subconsciously, others will think of this as keeping your distance.

#6 Ask Extroverted Friends to Help You Out and Give Some Advice

This is more logical thinking than anything else – who better to help you than extroverted friends? If anyone can give you the information you need, it’s an extrovert. Call someone you trust and ask for their advice and opinion. Plus, this way, you have also scheduled a coffee or lunch with a friend, so you are already socializing. Win-win, right?

#7 You Can’t Expect Changes Overnight – Be Patient and Persistent, and Your Hard Work Will Pay Off

You will probably be a bit impatient to see the results of applying these tips to real-life situations. However, you must keep in mind that permanent change rarely comes quickly – that just doesn’t happen overnight, and you have to do your best to be patient. Expect an occasional setback or lack of motivation here and there. That’s all normal, and it happens to everybody. Remember, persistence pays off, and you will see the improvement if you stay focused on the work ahead.