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November 12, 2021

5 Tips for Introverts That Want to Own Any Social Situation

It’s not easy figuring out how to be an introvert and function in society sometimes – like anyone with introversion as a character trait will tell you, things can get tricky. Social life can demand a lot from you, and you might feel overwhelmed. My carefully picked tips for introverts will help you learn to deal with people more naturally. Scroll down for the best advice for introverts you could imagine.

Although no one says that being extroverted is the preferable option, it often seems like this is an extroverts’ world. Adaptation is one of the keys to survival, so you might have to step out of your comfort zone occasionally and push yourself into the spotlight. Sure, it can be stressful, but the trick is to learn how to be comfortable in situations when you just want to go home. I can show you how to do just that, so keep scrolling for all the valuable information.

Is Introversion Affecting Your Quality of Life? You Could Use a Few Wise Tips for Introverts

“How can I improve my introvert personality?” This is a common struggle that a lot of us face. If you’ve found yourself in a social situation where you didn’t know how to react, or you felt overstimulated by noise and crowd, the chances are that you could benefit from working on your communication skills. Naturally, you likely won’t be able to turn into an extrovert, but that shouldn’t even be your goal. Embracing yourself the way you are is healthy, and all the advice I have for you can be looked at as a sort of self-care advice – improve without changing your personality to fit societal norms.

Introverts Have to Balance Mental Health and Communicating With People

It’s essential to know your limits. Don’t be afraid to try and be more outgoing, but don’t do it at the expense of your mental health – balance is crucial. If a particular social situation is too much for you, don’t feel disappointed. You might not have found a way to deal with it this time, but you could always try again. Eventually, when you get it right, you will feel proud of yourself. But let me warn you – there’s a long road ahead, and it won’t be always easy. You should develop a few suitable mechanisms for dealing with stress, so you can relax and calm down when everything seems to be too much.

#1 Believe That Change Is Possible – And You Can Improve Your Social Skills

The first thing to do is change your approach to this issue. Don’t allow yourself to think negatively about improvement – if you don’t believe that it is possible to adjust your communication skills, you will never achieve adjusting them. It’s pretty much a self-fulfilling prophecy. You’ve persuaded yourself that things can’t change, so obviously, they won’t. But here’s the catch – if some skills such as being the life of the party or chatting with colleagues at work don’t come naturally to you, that doesn’t mean you can’t master them.

To open yourself up to improvement, you could try to changing your mindset. In other words, adopt the so-called “growth mindset” – thinking that you can grow will automatically make it easier to do so. This is not to say that things will magically improve once you believe in yourself, but making changes in your life will be much easier.

#2 Pay Attention to Body Language

Extroverts easily share with others, and they are relaxed in groups. Their body language reflects that – you can always see when a person is at ease. This can work the other way around as well – introverted personalities are not in their element when surrounded by others, and you can quickly spot that. Facial expressions or how they sit and hold their arms say a lot about their current state of mind. Unfortunately, only an observant eye will realize what lies behind that body language. Most people will just think that you are arrogant or uninterested in what they have to say. This creates a blockage in communication.

Now, the question is – what can you do to send the right signals? The solution is overall paying attention to your facial expressions and body language. Start with a smile – not even a wide one that shows all your teeth, but rather a small, kind smile that will show the person you’re talking to that you are approachable and willing to listen. Also, don’t overlook one more essential factor – the way you sit or stand. Keep your back straight and avoid crossing arms or legs.

#3 Practise Speaking Up in Front of People, Whether in Crowds or Only With a Few Friends

Admittedly, this isn’t easy advice to follow. Extroverts might think that public speaking isn’t a big deal, but you know that it can be challenging. However, you can undoubtedly learn this skill. All you need is a bit of time and practice. Start small – try to speak up in meetings at work or in class. It will make you uncomfortable at first, but the more you practice, the more natural it will become.

Although Any Introvert Wants to Avoid Feeling Nervous, That’s Not the Solution for Your Problems

We all instinctively try to run away from things that make us nervous – it’s just human nature. When an introverted person feels overexposed (like when speaking in front of the group), they can experience symptoms of anxiety. But one shouldn’t try to get rid of that nervous feeling in the stomach – it’s better to embrace it. Look at it as a challenge, and that will further motivate you to prove yourself.

#4 Let People Know How Being Introverted Can Feel

Extroverts are known to be less observant than introverted personalities. That’s why saying things directly can be of huge help to you and any extroverts you are trying to bond with. Don’t sugarcoat it. Share your experiences, and explain the difficulties that you face every day. You will realize that most people are willing to listen and do their best to understand your point of view. This way, you can avoid future misunderstandings and miscommunication.

Ask Trusted Extroverted Friends to Help You

Every extroverted friend of yours has likely wondered at least once how to help an introvert or how to care for introverts. They may have even researched “how do you make an introvert feel calmer”, so they might already know what to do in unexpected situations. But there’s no need to let them wonder when you can simply share your problems and ask for help. An extrovert can offer a unique standpoint and share helpful advice on how to act in large groups or any other overstimulating circumstances.

#5 Remember That an Introvert Should Have Alone Time to Recharge Their Batteries During a Busy Day

One of the popular myths about introverts that is actually true is that they love their alone time. If you ask anyone how do introverts get happy or how do introverts enjoy their free time, chances are they will tell you the answer is being alone. It is a bit stereotypical, yet it is a valid point. Introverted personalities get easily overstimulated with noise or crowds, and those are two things you can hardly avoid anywhere – in the office, classroom, the street, or the gym. So if you want to get the most out of yourself, set aside a short amount of time each day to recharge your batteries and gather the energy to get through the day.

Work on Your Confidence – It Can Be Hard to Be Introverted, But Therapy Might Be the Thing You Need

There are many advantages to being introverted, like excellent listening skills, great ability to focus on the task at hand, carefully thinking about the issue before speaking, the ability to be alone without feeling unease, and many more. But, one trait that shouldn’t be associated with introverted personalities is the lack of confidence. You must ask yourself – are you confident and accepting of yourself? If not, now is the moment to deal with that. You might even want to consider going to therapy.

Start looking for a therapist – research therapists near me and choose a therapist that suits you. Also, be sure to check the difference between a therapist and a psychologist so you get the proper counseling. I know that the first appointment can seem scary, but you have nothing to worry about – you can do this.

Are You Ready to Implement These Introvert Tips?

Are you ready to try out our advice? I certainly hope so, considering how effective it has proven to be. Understandably, it can be a lot to try at once, but take your time. Start with little things and don’t force yourself to succeed immediately. Progress is almost never linear, but you will get there eventually. Challenge yourself, and little by little, you will see improvement.