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Creating a Chosen Family

Family is often considered our safety net, our support system, and a source of unconditional love. However, life can take unexpected turns when differences in ideologies, race, or leaving a religion leads your biological family to turn their back on you. In such challenging circumstances, it becomes crucial to build a chosen family that supports you and your children emotionally, spiritually, and culturally. This blog post will explore the path to creating a new family and traditions with your partner, offering insights and tips to navigate this transformative journey.

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Breaking Up when Kids are Involved

Life’s journey isn’t always a smooth ride, and sometimes, relationships take an unexpected turn. When children are part of the equation, a breakup can be an even more delicate matter. While it might seem like a stormy sea to navigate, with careful consideration, monitoring your children’s feelings, avoiding potential pitfalls, and taking care of yourself, you can make this transition as smooth as possible.

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Keeping Long Term Friendships Healthy

Friendship, the often-underestimated treasure of our lives, is like a delicate plant that needs nurturing, care, and patience to thrive. In a world where change is constant, prioritizing and navigating long-term friendships can be both challenging and rewarding. Here, we explore the seasons of life, the potential hardships, and the numerous health benefits that come with maintaining deep and enduring friendships.

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Secure Connection in Intercultural Relationships

In the modern world, love knows no borders. Intercultural relationships, born out of shared interests, passions, or simply fate, have become increasingly common. These unions promise a rich tapestry of experiences, blending the diverse backgrounds of partners into a unique and beautiful connection. Yet, like any relationship, intercultural unions come with their own set of challenges and rewards. Here, we’ll explore the highs and lows of intercultural relationships and offer insights on how to build a strong, secure connection that bridges the gaps between different families and cultural backgrounds.

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Honoring Your Ancestors and Crafting Your Path

As the holiday season approaches and various heritage months come into focus, it’s a time when many of us reflect […]

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How Body Neutrality Can Help Intimacy

Intimacy is a beautifully vulnerable experience that allows us to connect deeply with our partner. However, it’s no secret that […]

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